March 2024 President’s Message Southern California Area Republican Women
By Judy Verona Joseph
Dear Members and Friends, I cannot believe that it’s already March! Very soon we will be enjoying springtime weather.
With spring the days are warmer, the grass is green and everything seems to have a new life.
Jennifer Korn was our speaker for February 21st. Jennifer shared her life history with us, and hearing about her journey to The White House as advisor to two Republican presidents was extremely interesting. Her stories about President Trump were entertaining, and our members and guests were fascinated to learn many things that we did not know about President Trump’s generosity and his wonderful sense of humor. Another outstanding achievement of Jennifer’s was launching the National Faith Advisory Board. The National Faith Advisory Board proudly continues the work that began at The White House, through partnering and bringing together a diverse coalition of faith leaders to amplify their voices to impact our nation. Jennifer closed her talk by stating that President Trump’s number one priority is closing and securing the border.
Daphne Ashbrook is our newly appointed SCARW Election Integrity Director. She is doing a great job and delivered a very informative talk about Central Committee, Orange County Board of Supervisors meetings, and more. Flyers for the documentary “Let My People Go” were passed out, and the film was shown at the Murray Center in Mission Viejo. Daphne also passed out guides for voting for our upcoming primary election on March 5th . How to vote and who to vote for is always on the minds of our membership, and with Nancy’s Picks and Pauley’s Picks, we have a guide to review and use. Keep up the good work, Daphne!
Our Vice President Programs Director Barbara Dorber continues to bring us great speakers. Be sure to get your reservation for March 20th to hear Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute speak. You can sign up online at: www.scarw.org or mail your check to our P.O. Box.
Good leadership isn’t about advancing yourself; it’s about advancing our organization’s aims, and our club is doing just that.
Lastly, we have some fantastic news about some of our upcoming luncheons so please stayed tuned. I hope to see you on Wednesday, March 20th . Stay engaged and remember “We are more powerful when we empower each other.”
President Judy Joseph
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